Victory Villa Baptist Children's Church

Our Children's Church ministry is designed to enrich your child's life on a daily basis by gathering together weekly to worship our Lord.

VVBC Children's Church is open to all ages with the goal of inspiring youth to become strong in their faith and open their hearts to Christ.  With various to get involved like Youth Group, Christmas Plays, Mission Trips we hope to open hearts to God all while having fun and fellowship in a safe environment.


From the moment a young person walks into the Church, they will be met and introduced to other young people in our Church.  The young people stay in worship with their family to enjoy time together prior to departing for Children's Church.


During Children's Church we play games and do fun things like skits.   We learn about daily life that Jesus had and how it applies to us everyday.  Each lesson usually consists of an activity that ties the lesson to real life today activities.  We love friendly competition and we definitely bring that out every class.


Being involved in Children's Church will make you feel that you are connected to other kids that have the same spiritual ideas as you do.


"Some of my closest friendships have been made at Church" says one of our youth members.  "When I need encouragement, I know who to go to.  When I need help, I know who to go to.  When I need prayer, I definitely know who to go to"


This ministry has helped me to understand others better and relate to them.  Each person has their own struggles and Children's Church has helped me to recognize when others are struggling and to help them through.


As a member of VVBC Children's Church, we take the opportunity to contribute to the community through gifts that we make for Woodland's Village Senior Housing, community cleanup activities and most importantly inviting the community to join us.  During our Church outreach events, the Children's Church is always there making sure other kids and teens feel welcomed and encouraged.


Kimberly Hughes, VVBC Children's Church Director


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